ML Automated Pipelines for Computer Vision

Orchestrate your MLOps pipeline, seamlessly. Picsellia lets you automate your AI workflows—everything from AI model deployment, data management, experiment tracking and model building, to model monitoring.

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Orchestrate Your Computer Vision Pipelines

You’ve already deployed your computer vision model. What’s next? Build and orchestrate your MLOps automated pipelines on any event, and optimize your CI/CD process, non-stop.

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Get notified when something is off

Set up automatic triggers and alerts based on events. Automatically trigger training in a few clicks, based on our Monitoring Suite. Get alerts when relevant AI data enters the feedback loop, and prevent model data drift in time.
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Debug your AI models

Visualize and review your predictions to debug your computer vision models and increase your training set. All with an easy-to-use, collaborative interface!

Increase your dataset size, smartly

Big-sized and high-quality AI data are possible to achieve once you create a smart feedback loop and model monitoring system. Grow your AI dataset size with relevant data, like edge cases or under-represented classes.

Start managing your data the right way.

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