Track your experiments and get your best AI model

As a data scientist, some of the biggest challenges you’ll face are storing your experiments’ most relevant metrics and artifacts, and comparing your results to find the best performing AI model. With Picsellia, get a complete experiment tracking toolbox, and more!

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Experiment comparison charts

Compare experiments and get your best AI model

Compare everything from accuracy to CPU usage. Our dashboards and benchmarking tools let you identify the best settings and source of errors, and validate your models.

Store, share & collaborate on a single platform

Store your computer vision models in one place and let your teams access them, add comments, mentions, and notifications.

Log in one single line of code

Your engineers don’t have to leave their IDE, just integrate the Picsellia SDK and track it all! Send all the metrics you want to log and analyze your trainings.

Archive your experiments

We save all your work in one single place, so you don't have to worry about losing any data.

Hyperparameter tuning made easy

The training of a deep learning model relies on a wide variety of hyperparameters that might affect your model’s performance. Once you identified your best architecture, Picsellia helps you find the best hyperparameter combination to rapidly optimize model performance.
  • Configure your scans with a simple dictionary
  • Set up your search and run it in the cloud
  • Extract the best performing model
Hyperparameter tuning chart illustration

Train anywhere.
Made for

Whether you want to interact with data, create experiments, or save your files and results, you can do it directly from your code thanks to our native integrations.
logo python package index
Install our Python package to link your scripts to Picsellia.
logo docker
Already packaged and ready to use. Run command and go grab a coffee.
jupyter notebooks logo
Run notebooks on Google Colab or on your own machine.
OVH cloud logo
Automatically launch your experiment on a remote server.

Start managing your data the right way.

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