The Concept of Synthetic Data for Curating Optimized Manufacturing Datasets

The Concept of Synthetic Data for Curating Optimized Manufacturing Datasets

Access to high-quality data is essential in today’s data-driven world. This is especially true for industries like manufacturing, where optimized processes, improved production, and effective AI models rely heavily on reliable data. However, many manufacturers suffer data scarcity and quality issues when training AI models. While 60% of manufacturing leaders report having a data management strategy, only 15% fully adhere to it, leading to inconsistent and incomplete data.

Synthetic data offers a solution to address these challenges by helping manufacturers generate realistic and high-quality artificial data. It allows companies to curate optimized datasets, fill in gaps, and improve the overall quality of their data, ensuring AI models and processes perform at their best. 

In this article, we’ll discuss how synthetic data enables companies to curate optimized manufacturing datasets. 

Importance of Optimized Datasets for Manufacturing Companies

Training data is the foundation of any machine learning model. These models thrive on clean, relevant, and accurate data. When they are trained on inadequate, inaccurate, or irrelevant information, their performance is crippled. This is particularly concerning in manufacturing, where precision and accuracy are critical for optimal performance.

Legacy system architectures and weak data governance in manufacturing often result in inconsistent and unreliable datasets. As a result, data across different manufacturing industries contains deviations and noise, making it nearly impossible to standardize and govern effectively. 

This lack of control results in poor data quality, directly affecting AI models' performance in manufacturing. Optimized datasets help solve these problems and improve the reliability of AI-driven processes by focusing on clean, well-organized, and consistent data.

They are critical for manufacturing applications for the following reasons:

  • Data integrity and consistency: An optimized dataset is clean, accurate, and well-structured. This means the data is free from noise, inconsistencies, and errors. It is consistently formatted, relevant to the task, and accurately represents the conditions it models.
  • Improved accuracy in critical workflows: Tasks like defect/hazard identification and quality assurance (QA) are critical for workplace safety and business. Optimized datasets assure top-notch accuracy, which is vital for producing high-quality goods and maintaining a safe work environment.
  • Process optimization: Well-structured data enables fine-tuning manufacturing processes, improving efficiency and reducing downtime. This can directly impact overall production output and cost efficiency.
  • Error reduction: Poor-quality data can cause prediction errors, leading to faulty decisions. Optimized datasets minimize these risks by ensuring consistency and reliability in the data, resulting in more trustworthy predictions and outcomes. 

Challenges in Building Manufacturing Datasets 

While essential, creating high-quality datasets in manufacturing comes with challenges. Some of them include:

1. Data Collection Issues

The large volume of manufacturing data that must be consolidated from diverse sources presents a significant challenge.  In fact, 44% of manufacturing leaders report their data collection has doubled in the last two years, with expectations for it to triple by 2030. 

Manufacturers are now collecting data from an expanding array of inputs, including:

  • Time-series data from sensors
  • Real-time video feeds
  • Unstructured reports

This complexity is further complicated by the different communication protocols used by various systems. 

2. Data Quality Problems

High-quality data is crucial for making good decisions, but manufacturers often face several data quality issues. Common problems include broken sensors, noisy environments that create errors, and inconsistent formats across different systems. Missing data points and incomplete information can make it hard to analyze data effectively. 

Poor data quality often becomes a major roadblock as manufacturers try to use their data for advanced AI applications. For instance, AI models may make inaccurate predictions due to faulty sensor data, such as outputting false negatives in detecting manufacturing defects. 

3. Data Scarcity

Manufacturing plants in a niche domain such as Aerospace Engineering are challenged with data scarcity. Since there are very few of these plants, it is challenging to collect a diverse and sufficient dataset to train an adequate model. Incomplete or inaccessible historical data can hinder practical analysis and model training. This makes it difficult to build reliable predictive models.

4. Data Silos and Lack of Standardization

The absence of standardized practices for creating and sharing datasets leads to data silos, where information remains trapped within specific departments or systems. If there are no established mechanisms to maintain and retire datasets, outdated or irrelevant data can linger. This can complicate decision-making and lead to errors, such as inaccurate forecasts or inefficient resource allocation. 

How Synthetic Data Addresses Dataset Challenges for the Manufacturing Industry

Synthetic data refers to information that is artificially created rather than sourced from real-world events. It is generated using deep learning algorithms and techniques such as physical simulation and generative AI. GenAI uses architectures like generative adversarial networks (GANs) and variational auto-encoders (VAEs) to generate synthetic data. 

Synthetic data helps tackle challenges like data scarcity and privacy concerns in manufacturing. Researchers can enhance their ML models by generating artificial data points and providing more comprehensive training and evaluation. This approach fills gaps in existing datasets and helps organizations understand and address challenges within their manufacturing processes.

Synthetic Data Generation Methods 

Different synthetic data generation methods are available to generate high-quality data for manufacturing applications. Some of them include:

1. Physical Simulation

Physical simulation uses mathematical models to replicate the behavior of physical systems and processes. This method generates synthetic data that accurately reflects real-world phenomena. By manipulating various parameters and configurations in the simulation, manufacturers can produce datasets that mimic the conditions of their actual production environments.

The applications of synthetic data generated from physical simulations are diverse, including:

  • Multispectral Data Classification: Used in sorting plastic bottles, enabling efficient recycling processes. 
  • Autonomous Navigation: Implemented in unstructured industrial environments using platforms like Unreal Engine 4, facilitating robotic operations.
  • In Vitro Assembly Search: ViTroVo uses the CAD+ models and the Virtual Environment to generate synthetic images to help explore assembly strategies in manufacturing.

2. Generative AI

Generative AI refers to algorithms that learn from existing data to create new, synthetic instances that mimic the characteristics and patterns of the original dataset. This approach is beneficial for augmenting datasets and enhancing machine learning models.

Here’s how GenAI helps:

  • It enhances existing datasets by creating synthetic data and improves model performance through data augmentation.
  • It simulates various manufacturing processes, generating synthetic data that reflects real-world conditions to optimize operations.
  • Generative AI aids in training models for anomaly detection by producing examples of normal and abnormal conditions. 

However, a downside of this approach is GenAI’s non-deterministic nature, making it challenging to consistently control the output. Generative models can sometimes produce hallucinations, instances that don't accurately reflect the underlying data, causing potential inaccuracies. 

3. Agent-Based Modeling (ABM)

ABM is a simulation technique in which individual entities, called agents, are modeled to behave according to defined rules and interact with one another and their environment. It can generate synthetic data by simulating the behaviors and interactions within a manufacturing system. 

The synthetic data generated by ABM can be valuable in several ways:

  • It can create datasets when no true-source data is available. Some datasets of potential interest may not exist anywhere or are not easily accessible.
  • It can simulate rare events to augment an existing dataset, helping improve the robustness of ML models.

Benefits of Synthetic Data for Manufacturing Applications

Synthetic data enhances model performance by providing a larger pool of samples for training, including more examples of underrepresented minority classes. This allows for better generalization and robustness in ML models.

The benefits of synthetic data for manufacturing applications include:

  • Reduced data collection time: Software updates occur approximately once a year in manufacturing, rendering previously collected data obsolete. This limits data scientists to a six-month window to gather and analyze enough data. Synthetic data generation allows for quicker data accumulation, providing a richer dataset in less time.
  • Streamlined process: Instead of waiting several months to gather sufficient real-world data, manufacturers can collect data for just one month and then generate synthetic data to complement it. This speeds up the process, allowing more time for analysis and valuable insights before the next program update.
  • Data augmentation: Synthetic data can supplement original datasets by introducing anomalies, noise, or variations. This helps improve the model's ability to handle a broader range of conditions, such as sensor failures or fluctuations in machine performance, making it more versatile and robust.
  • Data diversity: Real-world datasets often miss various scenarios, such as equipment breakdowns and sampling inspections. Missing data can cause unreliable conclusions and biased results. Synthetic data can introduce a broader range of situations, ensuring the model is well-prepared to tackle diverse inputs like real-time data, production metrics, etc. 
  • Managing data imbalance: When certain classes in a dataset are over or underrepresented, synthetic data can help balance the distribution. This ensures that both majority and minority classes are adequately represented for training.
  • Data privacy: When working with sensitive information, synthetic data can replicate patterns without revealing personal details. This enables model developers and testers to use data freely while maintaining privacy and confidentiality.

Common Manufacturing Datasets

​​Manufacturing data includes various data types and comes in multiple formats. 

Below is a list of common, publicly available manufacturing datasets to build optimized models. 

1. Visual Anomaly Dataset (VisA)

This dataset features over 10,000 images of electrical boards and instruments, including both normal and defective items. It can help manufacturers detect defective equipment, freeing them to test each product they produce manually.

2. MVTEC Anomaly Dataset (MVTecAD)

This dataset comprises 5,000 high-resolution images to benchmark anomaly detection in industrial inspections. It’s organized into different categories so you can assess your models’ accuracy at spotting problems.

3. Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) Dataset

This dataset, focused on workplace safety, contains nearly 12,000 images of personal protective equipment. Data scientists can use it to train computer vision models to check if workers are wearing their safety equipment. This ensures workers stay safe from workplace hazards even when supervisors aren’t present to inspect their PPE.

4. Casting Product Image Data for Quality Inspection

This collection includes images of products before they are cast to identify faults that could compromise quality. It features over 7,000 images categorized into “Defective” and “Ok,” helping to train models for preemptive quality checks.

5. Synthetic Corrosion Dataset

This dataset focuses on corroded pipes, a critical issue in manufacturing that can lead to environmental damage and production losses. With 76 images of corroded materials, it can be used to develop models that detect corrosion, aiding in maintenance and quality control.

Real-life Use Case of Synthetic Data in Manufacturing

Siemens has developed SynthAI, a cloud-based platform that generates synthetic data to streamline the training of AI-powered vision systems in manufacturing. Siemens addresses the challenges of traditional data collection methods by generating high-quality synthetic images from 3D CAD models.

The Impact

  • Time savings: Control engineers at Polygon Technologies reported achieving effective results in detecting wire terminals for robotic assembly within just hours of using SynthAI.
  • Cost efficiency: The automated image generation process minimizes the need for extensive manual data collection. This enables manufacturers to focus on analysis and implementation rather than data gathering.
  • Enhanced flexibility: The platform enables manufacturers to quickly adapt their vision systems to new tasks by rapidly generating diverse training data. This improves the performance and reliability of robotic systems.

Build High-Quality Datasets with Picsellia

Manufacturing companies struggle with fragmented data management and inefficient processes for creating and annotating datasets. This often leads to delays in model training, higher costs, and reduced productivity.

Picsellia addresses these challenges with a comprehensive suite of tools for efficient data management and high-quality dataset creation. With AI-powered annotation and labeling tools, you can quickly generate high-quality labeled datasets while reducing the time and effort required for manual annotation. Moreover, Picsellia’s version control feature allows teams to track changes and maintain data integrity.

Don’t let data management issues hold your manufacturing processes back. Get a free demo today to learn how Picsellia can transform your data management and vision AI model training.

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